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How To Flip An Image In PowerPoint In 5 Easy Steps

flip powerpoint temp Mar 03, 2023

Do you want to flip the images in your PowerPoint presentation?

Make your PowerPoint visually appealing and attractive to your audience by incorporating images and laying them out correctly.

In this article, we will go through the following steps:

  • How to flip a picture into your PowerPoint presentation.

  • How to flip a text box in your PowerPoint slide.

  • Frequently asked questions about how to flip an image in a PowerPoint presentation.

Learn How to Flip a Picture in PowerPoint.

How to flip a picture into your PowerPoint presentation.

To flip the images in your PowerPoint slide, you need to:

  1. Open your Microsoft PowerPoint slide.Open your MS PowerPoint
  2. Select the layout with an image to flip horizontally and click the image in PowerPoint.

    Select a slide where you put the image to be flipped, click the image.
  3. In the "Format" pane under "Picture Tools," navigate and select "Rotate" in the "Arrange" group.

    In the Format tab, select rotate in the "arrange" group.
  4. A drop-down menu will appear; click "flip horizontal."

    In the drop-down  menu, click "Flip horizontal."
  5. Once you flip the image in your presentation report, click save to store your changes.

    After you flip the picture horizontally, click the "Save" button.

Note: To bring back to the original format of the picture, select again "flip horizontal."

Flip a text box in your PowerPoint slide.

To flip a text box in your presentation report in Microsoft PowerPoint:

  1. Select the text box in your Microsoft PowerPoint slides.

    Select the object in your PowerPoint.
  2. Click the "Format" menu under "Picture Tools." In the "Arrange" group, select the "Rotate" button.

    In the Format tab, navigate and select "Rotate" in the Arrange group.
  3. Select your desired rotation options. For example: flip horizontally.

    In the Format tab. select an option under the Rotate button.
  4. After you select it, your text box is now flipped horizontally.

    After you select it, you object will be flip horizontally.

Note: You can also flip shapes and WordArt in Microsoft PowerPoint by following the steps above.

Final Thoughts on How to Flip an Image in PowerPoint.

Using the steps above, you can quickly flip your images, shapes, and WordArts in Microsoft PowerPoint!

For more How-to blog updates and templates in Microsoft PowerPoint, visit Simple Slides or follow us on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Flip an Image in Microsoft PowerPoint Slides:

Can I mirror a picture in my Microsoft PowerPoint?

Yes, With PowerPoint, you can mirror a photo by selecting "Rotate" or "Flip Horizontal" from the "Arrange" tab within the "Format" tab.

Can I flip or rotate my images to a specific angle?

Yes, you flip or rotate your images into a specific angle.

  1. Select the object to flip or rotate in your Microsoft PowerPoint.

  2. In the "Format Shape" under "Picture Tools," select the "Rotate" button.

  3. Click "More Rotation Options," then type the exact degrees in the Rotation option and click "Enter."

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