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8 Most Popular Storytelling Techniques in Business Presentations

Jul 06, 2023

Do you want to create an engaging storytelling presentation for your business?

Using storytelling in a presentation lets you inspire and motivate people. Moreover, this approach allows you to creatively share how your company started from scratch and developed through hard work and dedication. 

In this blog post, we will discover the following:

  • 8 Methods of Storytelling in Presentations

  1. Hero’s journey (monomyth)

  2. Rags to riches

  3. Into the middle things

  4. Sparklines

  5. False start

  6. The mountain

  7. Nested loops

  8. Converging ideas

  • Frequently asked questions about using storytelling techniques for your business presentations.

8 Methods of Storytelling in Presentations

One of the best ways to create engaging presentations is by learning how to use storytelling when presenting your concept. Great story structure captures and persuades your audience eager to listen to your entire speech.

By crafting an inspiring story for your presentation, you can:

  • Make memorable personal stories

  • Capture the audience's attention

  • Create an emotional connection

  • Encourage people to use their imagination

Here are some of the most common storytelling strategies used in presentations: 

  1. Hero's Journey (Monomyth)

    Monomyth (The Heros' Journey) a personal story

Great stories contain a main character who takes on a challenge through their journey. The hero usually searches for a new life where they can learn life-changing lessons.

When using this technique, plot all the stages you encounter throughout your journey and ensure all the essential elements are included. This approach is usually used in research, literary analysis, advertising, and marketing.

The following are monomyth storytelling presentation examples:

  • Star Wars

  • The Lion King

  • Mulan

  • The Karate Kid

  1. Rags to Riches

    Rags(Only poor people) to Riches stories engage with audience

Another way to make short but effective stories is by using a rags-to-riches plot line. In this approach, the main character encounters various hindrances in life. Moreover, they hit rock bottom but still achieved great success through perseverance.

Through this predictable story, you can share that despite the hardships, there's still hope in life.

  1. Into the Middle Things (In media res)

Into the middle things

In media res, you'll begin your story with a flashback to the heat of action. This method of storytelling presentation will take you to the climactic conclusion of your company's history.

If you use this technique, wait for the right time to provide the real action. Moreover, try giving hints that something unexpected will unveil in your story. Doing so will keep audiences engaged, encouraging them to continue listening to your speech.

  1. Sparklines


Sparklines offer a unique approach to chronologically sharing your story. Graphic designers use this method to interpret stories as graphs.

Silicon Valley entrepreneur Nancy Duarte is a storytelling presentation example. She shares how some TED talk speakers ace their presentations when they contrast the reality of life.

So, you can use this technique to encourage people to improve their lives.

  1. False Start

    False Start

When using this approach, you'll begin with a seemingly predictable scene. Then, you'll unexpectedly disrupt the story by starting over again. Using this strategy, you surprise your audience by destroying their initial perception.

One example here is J.K. Rowling's Harvard Commencement Speech. Because Rowling is a celebrated author, people naturally expect her to discuss her successful career. However, in this particular speech, she chose to focus on her failures in her twenties. By using a false start approach, she kept the audience engaged and inspired.

  1. The Mountain

The Story Mountain

Using this technique, you map the drama and tension around the story. While this approach is similar to monomyth, it doesn't necessarily have a happy ending.

You begin by setting the scene, then break down the story into a series of smaller challenges. The smaller portions of the plot eventually lead up to the climactic conclusion. 

If you're fond of TV series, you understand how this storytelling technique works. Every episode has its ups and downs, but each plot leads up to the surprising finale. Using the mountain structure, you'll highlight every challenge, build up suspense, and provide a satisfying conclusion.

  1. Nested Loops

    The Nested Loops

Nested loops include layers of three or more connected stories. The main story will be the core of your storytelling presentation. Meanwhile, you'll use the remaining portions to elaborate on the central principle.

When you're using this structure, think of a friend telling you the lesson they learned from a wise individual. At the center of the loop is the important lesson. Meanwhile, the first loop represents your friend while the second loop signifies the wise individual. 

With this method, you show how wisdom is passed and received through a series of connected stories.

You can use nested loops when:

  • You want to explain the inspiration behind your story.

  • You want to elaborate on the central idea.

  • You want to show how wisdom was passed on to you.

  1. Converging Ideas

Converging Ideas

This speech structure shows people the power of brainstorming to form one idea.

Sometimes, it is used to show a whole structure of connected ideas, resulting in one idea toward one goal. This storytelling technique tells how great partnerships bring success to businesses.

Use the converging ideas structure when you want to:

  • Demonstrate collaboration

  • Show how a partnership was formed

  • Demonstrate how development occurred

Final Thoughts on How to Use Storytelling Techniques in a Business Presentation

Storytelling is a great way to convey your message in a business presentation, especially since it's relatable. Using the structures we shared, you can easily draw people's attention and keep them engaged throughout your speech.

Subscribe to the Simple Slides YouTube channel to watch presentation tutorials for free. If you want to create compelling presentations, access our customizable templates, slides, and infographics.

Frequently Asked Questions about Using Storytelling Techniques for Your Business Presentations:

Why is storytelling crucial?

Storytelling can be an effective way to deliver your message. Besides, it creates an immersive experience for people watching a presentation.

How can I enhance my presentation storytelling skills?

Here are ways to develop your storytelling techniques:

  • Get to know your audience

  • Use the right body language and maintain eye contact

  • Practice

  • Be authentic

  • Keep your presentation simple

What are the three components of good storytelling in a presentation?

Here are the three components of good storytelling in a presentation:

  1. Context

  2. Conflict

  3. Continuity

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